Use Of Funds
Marketing and Promotion Marketing and business development efforts will be focused on identifying and forming relationships with API booking providers, hotels and aircraft booking providers. Marketing efforts will also be focused on increasing the awareness and knowledge of the HRA Platform, including its functionalities, to the target markets as identified earlier in this document. Additional resources will be spent as-needed to form strategic partnerships within the OTA and blockchain
Legal and Regulatory Costs
Legal requirements include corporate set-ups in relevant national domiciles as well as the different financial and operational licenses required. We are working with legal advisors and regulators in these relevant jurisdictions, in order to comply operationally with local laws in addition to global AML/KYC frameworks.
Platform Development
Platform development includes: building and securing core smart contracts that implement issuance of the HRA tokens, booking smart contracts, and governance architecture; service-level web, mobile (both iOS & Android)
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